No.3 Siskin Drive, Coventry, CV3 4FJ
Opening Hours: 8:30am - 05:30pm

Insurance Backed Guarantees (IBGs)

Our Insurance Backed Guarantees can protect your business and your clients/customers should your company suddenly cease trading.



Our policies provide valuable protection for both you and your as business owners and customers know that their interests are protected should your business cease trading.


Peace of Mind

An IBG can work as a preventative measure that can provide you a peace of mind in the long-term your company stop trading for whatever reason.


Long-term Protection

Our Insurance Backed Guarantees can provide you with bespoke protection for up to 10 years or more depending on your needs and circumstances.

What are Insurance Backed Guarantees?

Our Insurance Backed Guarantee (also known as Insurance Backed Warranties) cover insures your business/company from the original guarantee provided by a contractor or installer regarding a property/build. It relieves you of the worry should a contractor cease to trade for whatever reason, whether it be due to:

  • Defective workmanship
  • Insolvency
  • Receivership
  • Faulty materials
  • Administration
  • Death of the principals

It is not uncommon for contractors, large and small, to cease to trade. Moreover, guarantee periods can vary from 10-15 years, as much can happen to any business within that amount of time, regardless of its current status.

icon Why should I get an Insurance Backed Guarantee if the contractor/installer is already providing a guarantee?

Contractors may offer guarantees of their own, but if the contractor suddenly faces insolvency issues or decides to close down and cease trading, then their guarantee may become worthless. An Insurance Backed Guarantee would honour the contractors original guarantee for the remaining time it was valid for.

If your chosen installer were to cease trading you could be left with faulty goods, a guarantee of no value and a potential bill to rectify any problem.

For more information, talk to our team of Experts

Benefits of having our Insurance Backed Guarantee

Here we have highlighted some of the many reasons for why our insurance backed guarantee may benefit you:

  • We can provide protection throughout the guarantee period.
  • We can ensure that almost any kind of construction work can be covered regarding alterations or repair work to a premises.
  • Having an IBG sets you apart from competitors that cannot offer such guarantees and demonstrates the quality and trust in your products and workmanship.
  • Provides vital protection and security for the building owner and their funder.
  • Safeguards properties/building work from incurred costs or interruptions should or someone involved in the build process go into insolvency and close down/cease trading and invalidate any former warranties/guarantees.
What We Offer

Other Commercial Insurance Services

We can help insure you against the potential risks from a cyber attack or data incident.
Safeguarding you on claims made against your business directors and key managers or officers.
Latent Defects insurance covers you for any undetected damages found within a property before its completion or sale.
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