No.3 Siskin Drive, Coventry, CV3 4FJ
Opening Hours: 8:30am - 05:30pm

Home Insurance

Home insurance provides financial protection in the event of something happening to your property and/or belongings.


Protect your Home

We can insure your home against any damage or theft. Our policies range from buildings and contents cover, which can be tailored as a combined policy or separately.



Our home insurance cover protects you against problems caused by, accidental damage, environmental damage, fires, theft, and much more.


Protect Assets

We can make sure your assets are fully protected by provide bespoke cover based on the cost of replacing all your possessions, whether it be your home or the contents within it.

What is home insurance?

At Exchequer Risk Management, we offer home insurance which can protect your home against any damage or theft. Our policies range from buildings and contents cover, which can be tailored as a combined policy or separately, and protects you against problems caused by:

  • Accidental Damage
  • Environmental Damage, such as storms or floods
  • Fires
  • Theft

Before you take out a policy, we can help you work out how much cover you need, based on the cost of replacing all your possessions. Many people under-insure themselves, so we make sure you are insured on whatever it is you need, whether it be your home or the contents within it.

What types of home insurance are available?

At Exchequer Risk Management, we make sure that our home insurance is bespoke and tailored to suit your needs. Our policies include buildings and contents cover, which can be bought together or separately depending on what your preference is.


Covers you if something happens to your home. For example, if there’s a fire, storm, or flood. It can also cover up to the full rebuild cost of your home as well as its outbuildings such as garages or sheds. Buildings insurance can further cover the extra cost of staying somewhere else if you need to because of a claim.

Provides cover for the contents and assets inside your home against theft, and damage by events like fire, storm, or flood. This includes any high-value items in your home that you name on your policy, as well as contents held within any outbuildings.

When you buy a home or house insurance, you can buy building insurance and home contents combined in a single home insurance policy to protect your house and its contents from any form of damage or theft.

icon Do I need home insurance?

Home insurance isn't compulsory for your home. However, we believe it is a good pre-emptive measure to consider to make sure your home and the contents you care about are protected from any potential risks. Having home insurance means you will not be out of pocket if you need to repair your home or replace your belongings after they’ve been stolen, damaged, or destroyed. Otherwise, it can cost a lot of money to replace their items, some of which may be essential. More importantly, if you own your own home and have a mortgage, most mortgage lenders will insist that you have buildings insurance.

For more information, talk to our team of Experts

What types of cover are available?

Regardless of what type of insurance you decide to have for your home, whether it be building cover or contents cover (or both), we make sure that our policies include protection for things such as:

Accidental Damage

This covers you against accidental damage to your home and the things in it. So if a football smashes your window or a fire occurs within your home, we can provide the cover to pay to repair the damage or replace your belongings.

This covers you against unexpected or major damage to your home caused by environmental factors such as floods, fires, or storms. This is essential if your property is based in an area such as the coast that is prone to experiencing floods and storms.

It should be noted that this is not an exhaustive list, as we understand that every home varies. So should you have any queries about our home insurance, do not hesitate to contact us for more information.

It should be noted that this is not an exhaustive list, as we understand that every home varies. So should you have any queries about our home insurance, do not hesitate to contact us for more information.

How much does home insurance cost?

Your premium is based on several factors relating to you, your home, as well as the value of your items. For example, The greater the risk of loss and damage to your home and belongings, the higher your insurance quote is likely to be. Below are some factors we consider when insuring a home and its contents, which include but are not limited to:


Insuring locations with a higher crime rate may increase the cost of cover.

If you’ve agreed to a contract with a specific customer, client or organisation, they may insist that you have a minimum amount of insurance before you can undertake any work.

The larger your property is, the greater it may cost to have it insured or rebuilt

Living in other locations that are exposed to severe weather conditions can affect the cost of your insurance. For example, homes near rivers or coastlines are more expensive to insure due to a higher risk of flooding.

The age of your property and materials used to build your house can have a huge impact on your quote. For example, wooded structures are particularly vulnerable to fires or rot.

Factors such as your age, whether you are married with children, or if you live away from home for long periods can all have an impact on your quote.

The more expensive your items are, the more it will cost you to get them insured.

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    Home Insurance FAQs

    Is home insurance compulsory?

    Home insurance is not always compulsory, however, if you are a homeowner, most mortgage lenders may insist you have buildings cover in place.

    Buildings insurance covers the structure of your home and its fixtures and fittings. This includes fitted kitchens and bathrooms, as well as walls, doors, windows, and roofs. Contents insurance on the other hand covers the things that make a house a home. This means things like furniture, carpets, clothes, electronics, and personal items.

    If you don’t have home insurance, we recommend home insurance to protect you from any major damage or theft to your home or belongings. This is because if any of your contents are lost, stolen, or damaged you will be responsible to pay for costs incurred to replace your valuables or rebuild your property, which can of course be incredibly expensive.

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      What We Offer

      Other Personal Insurance Services

      Health insurance provides coverage for the cost of private healthcare.
      Life insurance provides financial support for your loved ones.
      Critical illness cover is an insurance policy that helps protect you should you become critically ill during the policy term.
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